Discover the best hosting , Maximum Speed
Additionally, you will have free SSL, Cloudflare CDN, Litespeed Web server (integrated), DDoS and Malware Protection.
Our automatic backup system stores your files and databases to make sure that your website data has a way back.
You don’t need to worry about your website performance when you choose Kantipur Hosting for you.
Powered by Let's Encrypt, each SSL Certificate provided helps secure the connection between websites.
We use Top Quality HP servers, super-fast and secure RAID10 Protected SSD Cached Storage Setup and fully owned network hardware.
You are backed by 24/7 robust support system. Our dadicated support team will resolve any kind of issue within minimum time limit.
We committed to customer satisfaction and every account is backed by 30 days moneyback guarantee.
Extend your free features for advanced perform or enhance your account with add-ons.
WordPress Toolkit includes everything you need to take control of your WordPress websites. There is no limit to the number of WordPress websites you can manage with WordPress Toolkit.
LiteSpeed Web Server's graceful restart feature allows ongoing processes to finish before exiting, while starting new processes immediately to take their place. This means new server configurations can be applied (to the new processes) without interrupting any processes.
We pride ourselves to be called one of the best Web Hosting providers.